Internet Automotive advertisements
The Internet is full of all kinds of automotive ads. They concern mainly the sale of used cars. Is it worth it to use the online services when looking for a car? It is certainly a very good solution if you do not have stalked the offer on the eye. You have to admit, however, that the majority of websites of the car in a good condition and at a reasonable price "spread" very quickly and to hunt down the network a good car you have to try hard. On the other hand, among the announcements automotive missing SELL they offer us to buy a good car, and really the facts are quite different.
About cars - safety
Road traffic accidents are the largest cause of injury-related deaths worldwide.6 Mary Ward became one of the first documented car fatalities in 1869 in Parsonstown, Ireland,43 and Henry Bliss one of the United States' first pedestrian car casualties in 1899 in New York City.44 There are now standard tests for safety in new cars, such as the EuroNCAP and the US NCAP tests,45 and insurance-industry-backed tests by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).46
Worldwide, road traffic is becoming ever safer, in part due to efforts by the government to implement safety features in cars (e.g., seat belts, air bags, etc.), reduce unsafe driving practices (e.g., speeding, drinking and driving and texting and driving) and make road design more safe by adding features such as speed bumps, which reduce vehicle speed, and roundabouts, which reduce the likelihood of a head-on-collision (as compared with an intersection).
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automobile_safety
Making life easier driver
Due to the fact that more and more cars are equipped with modern systems supporting the work of the driver no longer unusual today in the presence of car parking sensor or navigation built into the car. People with older models can on their own to invest in this type of solution too little money. Why? First of all, using such useful gadgets we can not only shorten their time maneuvering or find your way to your destination, but also no worries plan everything well in advance. The presence of a variety of sensors in turn influences that we can feel more confident behind the wheel, even in unfamiliar terrain.